
Leica I, II or III help

Ok, ran across a Leica II body that seems to work. Only issue is that is seems to have a some sort of Russian film spool inside instead of the original Leica and it doesn't engage with the film wind mechanism.

I can't quite figure out how the original is supposed to function so that I can modify it to work.

Does anyone have a Leica I II or III with an original Leica film spool that can post some good pictures of it (outside, inside, top down, bottom up) so I can figure out how it's supposed to work?

This one has me scratching my head. I can buy a replacement (and apparently the ones from Canon screw mount rangefinders work also) but they go for almost P3,000 by themselves. I have this option of swapping the whole wind assembly spindle and film spool from a Russian made Zorki. I was hoping to leave the body as original as possible.

UV Filter or Not?

I've always used a UV filter on my lenses, more so for protection of the front element and the thought of possibly getting better photos in some circumstances. What I am hearing now is that the UV does absolutely nothing for image quality on digital cameras....maybe even degrade it somewhat.

Back in the day of film, they did play a useful role in removing some the blue fringe which translated into hazy photos due to the fact that film is reactive to UV radiation, whereas digital sensors are not.

So if I'm understanding this new train of thinking...for the best possible result with a digital camera...and if you are relative careful with your equipment...its best to loose the UV filter. Any thoughts on this?

Scanning color photo quality question

I am scanning some 3-1/2x5 color photos to be enlarged into 4x6 later. Should I scan them at 300dpi or would a larger setting such as 350 or 400 produce a better enlargement. I realize the size increase is not that large, but I am also wondering if I make any adjustment to the image, like change brightness or sharpness, would the increase in dpi give some advantage since I read that any mods to a jpeg file degrades it, each time you do make some change.

I can make TIFF files – am using an Epson V500. I understand your idea to make and keep a master TIFF file. Would I then modify the Master TIFF files and keep a 'secondary' TIFF folder of modified TIFF images? Since I need jpeg files to print photos, could you recommend a freeware program to convert TIFF to JPEG?

Also, the Epson scanner uses “DPI” in the Destination/Resolution section. I read that DPI and PPI are used interchangeably and that is not correct. But for my purposes with the V500 scanner, can I consider them the same? And what dpi or ppi setting would be best considering that settings in the 1000's can take forever to scan? Some happy medium.

One last question: since the aspect ratio of 3-1/2x5 and 4/6 is a little different, when the enlargement is made, would the 3-1/2x5 get automatically cropped to some extent to fit the 4x6? If yes, then should I crop to 4x6 myself so I crop what I want to and not let the printer's machine do it arbitrarily?

Lumix G3 shooting thru Telescope Exposure Issue

I put on a little legacy 28mm Canon with an adapter because I have no micro 4/3 lenses right now, as a test because my scope shots are dark, and exposure is right, the photos are fine.

I have been shooting through an apochromatic refractor with adapters, and getting great shots... well, good enough to make me smile.

It's an overcast day in Seattle. I just got an appropriate quick release plate for this Gimbal head and couldn't wait to get out on the deck to take some photos.

Suddenly, everything is dark. I have NO idea what's up. I can pump ISO through the roof. I can slow the shutter speed to mollasses, all to no avail. Everything is coming out dark through the scope today. Again, with another lens, it's just fine.

Any thoughts? Other than the camera is smarter than I am. I already know that.

What do you think?

MY GF has a GF that makes and sells really unique custom, lighted centerpiece's. Ill explain so hopefully you can HELP ME. Their classy and a Keepsakes. She will use flowers that she will make to match my centerpiece's exactly or my exact color scheme. She will make the design ON them with Monograms or exactly like my/ ..Our (lol) invitations or any design I want in the color I oops WE want. Trying to quit saying "I and MY". Even a custom design just for us! Waaaay awesome. They were at another relative's wedding last year and I have never forgotten them, every one thought they were gorgeous.
HERE is the question as awesome as they are, they are only 14- 15" high and cost about 100-150.$ each. Depending on how "custom" I want them. But they are real eye catchers. Would YOU use them or use the typical flowers and vases? 3 of my BM's said they love them cause they look custom and you can see over them. LOL, and love that we would end up with permanent keepsakes, one BM says she likes the typical really tall one's even if it means the whole thing goes in the trash in a few days ( seems like a waste to me) and My MOH. says she would just use a vase with flowers 'cause their cheaper even though boring but since they are a focal point at the tables she doesn't know what she would do. Shes such a big help - Not!

Can you give me your thoughts PLEASE. I have not had so much trouble making a decison so thought maybe others in my position could help.

Marriage License/Certificate frame ideas

We got married last year, but I was thinking that it might be a nice idea for Christmas this year to find a nice frame for our Marriage Certificate. I was thinking maybe a nice frame with matting that included space for a picture or two. I've been looking online, but haven't really found anything like that at all. Most of what I've found have been regular looking picture frames or Marriage License holders, which are nice, but I don't think it's really her thing.

Just thought I'd pose a question here if anyone has come across anything similar to what I'm looking for either to give as a gift or for themselves. Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have.

Thoughts of Chair Covers

I am considering starting a chair cover business. While I know chair covers are not for everyone and most people like chiavari chairs more, lets face it they are expensive as hell and with banquet chairs being ugly as all out heck I see many brides go the route of chair covers.

I have been doing my research and find that many brides go with the polyester chair cover. Now personally I think chair covers are ugly to start with but if I had to choose one I would go with the spandex chair cover simply on look alone but that just me...I HATE how bulky polyester chair covers look. Plus no matter how much you iron them half way though the night they always look like a wrinkled mess.

I have decided that if I star the business I will only do spandex chair covers since they are easy to clean, don't wrinkle (so no need to iron)and stay wrinkle free throughout the night and they are easier to store.

My question is for brides who used chair covers or are planning on using chair covers, was there a reason you decided to go with polyester over spandex? Was spandex just not an option? Did you not like the look? Did you think they were too expensive?

If I do start the business I will offer them for P300 including chair cover, choice of satin or organza sash. Do you think this pricing is reasonable?

Photoshop quick question

I believe this is a simple question for all those people who know how to use photoshop.

I have an older version photoshop. I open an image (lets say it 2500x2500) With that image open, I open another smaller image. (250x250) I copy the smaller image, then go back to the larger image and paste the small into the large.

Now for the problem, Sense I just pasted the small image into the large one, my thinking (or lack of it) tells me that I should be able to move it around a little bit and place it (move it) to where I want it to be within the larger image.

How do I do this with Photoshop?

Seamless marble floor problems expected?

I have a contractor installing diamond pattern, seamless marble floor tile for bathroom in our events hall.

Inspecting the first section he installed, I see:

1)There are gaps between some tiles. Up to one millimeter thick.
2)The corner where four tiles meet may not be lined up perfectly like a cross.
3)Tile may be around one millimeter higher than its adjacent tile. Running fingers across tiles I can feel the incongruous bump.

I brought up the issues to him. He essentially tells me:

1) and 2) are due to each tile's imperfection, not being a perfect square. He lays each tile in a box indiscriminately without discarding the imperfect ones.
3) is due to shrinking of the mortar.

He is willing to redo them. But he wants me to select the 'perfect' tiles for him to use for the job, and watch and approve him install each piece. Is this unusual?

Glenn Gould's music

I heard a wonderfully touching interview on CBC radio today about how Glenn Gould's music continues to inspire and affect people so many years after his death. One particular touching anecdote was given by John Roberts- the former director of the Glenn Gould foundation in Stratford, Ontario. When he was the director, he would get a request from various hospices and hospitals around the world, approximately once a month for recommendations of Glenn Gould's recordings to play for sick and dying people. One such call was from Paul McCartney who asked for recordings for a dying George Harrison.

I found this rather touching. Of all the musicians and/or music the former Beatles could ask for, George Harrison specifically requested Glenn Gould's recordings to soothe his sufferings.

Need to refurbish an instrument case

Can anyone recommend a one-stop shop where I can find lining material and large sheets of foam? I want to redo the inside of an old flight case of which the original foam has completely disintegrated.

Wedding officiant question

Two of my best friends legally and officially wed last year, but they did not have a ceremony for their family and friends. Now, a year later, they are having that traditional ceremony. They have asked me to act as wedding officiant at this ceremony. I don't need to be ordained or certified, correct? This ceremony is only for show, so I went ahead and accepted the "job" (for no payment, of course). This sounds legit, right?

What opened your eyes to photography?

Many of us fuddle about with different cameras, software, landscapes, portraits, etc. aimlessly trying to figure out how to take good photographs. Meanwhile we churn out nothing more than average output. But then something happens and we hit a new plateau, resulting in consistently better shots. And it may happen again and you're on to a new level, and so forth.

Can you think of what event(s)occurred in your photographic life the brought you to a new level of talent? Did you learn to work a feature on your camera that made all the difference? Was it a change in your behavior that brought you to new understanding? Do tell...

For me... it was more of an internal thing, rather than an outside source acting as an eye opener.

A few years ago, I had a bit of an epiphany and decided to change how my life was going. One of the choices I made was to make a conscious effort to improve my photography. Instead of talking about it - you know, like how people talk about how they could write a book if they only *insert excuse*, but never do - I chose to actually do it.

So I actually read my camera's manual, took classes, read photography books; I bought additional equipment (extra lights, stands, backdrops, etc) and practiced/experimented using the equipment on a daily basis; and put a lot of thought in my photographs - no random-fire-and-hope-for-a-keeper.

I wouldn't say I'm a pro, by any means, but I think I produce some nicer-than-average stuff now. The key, for me, was consistent and regular practice.

This lens costs $160,400

I'm not a professional photographer but what do you guys think about spending this much for a lens? All I can say to them is good luck with that.

11 days - last minute changes

My fiance is really taking charge in these last few days. After attending a very small wedding in Cavite a few weeks ago where the groom seemed to be acting as the "day off coordinator" my fiance wants to follow in his footsteps by doing the same for us (thereby alleviating any worries on my part).

Due to our tiny venue and smaller budget, we had originally requested no children as guests. However, now that we're getting closer to the date, and because our event is pretty informal (no sit-down dinner, per se, but more of a picnic theme) we're now inviting five children under the age of 3 to attend with the understanding that they won't have an assigned seat and will be sharing with their parents.

I'm grateful that we're both able to be so flexible! The addition of the kids is going to make the day that much more fun for everyone. The new indoor/outdoor table layout my fiance is working on will also greatly encourage guests to wander the grounds rather than remaining in their seats like at some weddings.

Client wants to see unedited photos

I just finished editing an engagement session for a very picky bride. She said she loved the photos but would like to see the unedited ones. I don't want to show them to her since they are the unfinished product and it's not what I want representing my company. She love the photos she got and there were a good number of them for what she paid (around 30).

My contracts states that as the artist I choose the ones that are edited and given to the client but I am just wondering how to tell them that I will not be giving them the unedited ones without coming accross as mean. I know I can just say that in the contact it states this but she already knows this. I just found out that apparently she doesn't want any touch ups done to her. Which is weird because she's not very pretty. If that's what she wants then it's less work for me.

Have you had clients ask for this in the past? What did you say to them?

Did you hire or have hired a wedding planner?

Have you found it to be worth while. I want to hire one but want to feel confident it will be worth the money. They would end up being a be a big chunk of my budget, around P150,000 for full service.

You don't need to spend that much for a wedding planner. A professional wedding consultant will not over charge for their services. In fact, depending upon your wedding and the services they perform, you may need to tip only. Please feel free to drop me a note. I have been in catering and events for 20 years, and have vast experience. I am not interested in having you spend more money, I would rather you spend less. You need to start your life together in a comfortable position, not in the hole because someone took advantage of you.

I did not hire one because I had fun planning out all the details myself. I had the time and desire and already had a clear vision of what I wanted.

IMO, if you have to skimp on some other part of your wedding in order to get the coordinator then I don't think it is worth it.

I've heard is it is possible if you use a vendor recommended by the wedding planner that it might not be the best vendor, but the planner suggested them because they are getting a kickback.

I highly suggest a "day of" coordinator if you forgo the wedding planner. Day of your wedding you want to relax and have fun, not be running around setting up stuff and worrying about the logistics.

Just need a place to vent

Wedding planning is going well and our big day is in 2 months.

Something that I'm struggling with is the family members I invited. Our Bridal Shower is coming up in a few weeks and only 1 person from my entire family responded yes. That's it. I mean, I have friends and my fiance's family that is coming and we have have a little over 40 people, but it's just so disappointing.

My family has been through some rough times (like any family). Both of my parents were "oops" babies and their next closest siblings are ~15 years older than them. So that means all of my counsins are way older than me, and my aunts and uncles are often mistaken as my grandparents.

There has been a ton of death on my father's side that has kind of torn his family apart. And my mother's side is a mess due to conflictions of care for my elderly grandmother.

With all that being said, I hardly ever see my family. It's just really disappointing that no one wants to support me at my bridal shower because I attended all of my cousin's things in the past, but now that our family has fallen apart, no one will support me on my day.

It just sucks and thank you for listening to me vent.

Revolving guest list

Our venue only has 78 chairs and probably couldn't fit m/any more people (though with us included we'll have a headcount of 80 total.

Our first guest list had 124 people, which we both felt was the bare minimum. Until this place (which is lovely!) was the only one we could afford. Because of that, whenever someone on our abbreviated list has to cancel, we are grateful to add back someone we had to remove before.

My best friend's brother has relinquished his seat for my dad's brother (I'm not very close with my alcoholic dad or his side of the family) but my aunt has assumed she's invited too. They're camping this weekend and asked me to text them with info or call them on Monday, so I texted them the date and will call them on Monday to break the bad news about only having 1 seat open.

Ugh. I'm sure they'll understand, but my aunt is definitely going to be upset. I hope she doesn't give me too much grief. Anybody else dealt with something similar and have any words of advice or encouragement? Horror stories are good to share too.

Cool gift idea for sweet 16 birthdays/holiday

I just had a customer do this recently for her daughter and it turned out so well I wanted to share in case anyone was struggling with a gift idea for someone.

I sat down with her and she brought a photo of her daughter and we put together a starter make-up kit for her (the photo helped pick shades that were right for her skin-tone, eye and hair color, etc.).

It was really nice for her daughter because she ended up with a lot of great make-up product basics - eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss, moisturizer. And it was really great for mom because we picked out natural, light pretty shades that were age appropriate for her daughter. I delivered the gift already wrapped in a pretty basket so it was one less thing that she had to take care of for the party.

If you're thinking about putting something like this together for a friend or loved one this holiday season, please let me know and I can help!

How do you know when you've found "The Dress"?

When you watch all those bridal shows (Say Yes to the Dress, etc), they just KNOW, and have tears streaming down their faces. I tried on a dress that I liked the best of the 10 or so I've tried on (and the hundreds I've seen online). It's gorgeous, it flatters me, I looked great in it. It's exactly suited to our venue, and it met all the criteria I had in mind for my dress. It just didn't give me that "it's the one!" feeling.

Did you all have that feeling? Or is it a myth? Or maybe it's just not the type of person I am?

I think it depends on the bride. Whenever I accompanied someone dress shopping, there was never tears (and if there was it was the MOB crying because her daughter is getting married--not the dress). Sure there were ABSOLUTE nos and a few maybes but when she made her decision, it wasn't as dramatic as they make it on the show.  For me, I tried on a few gowns, all looked awesome but when I slid into the one I chose- the first thing I noted was that it wasn't itchy on my ankles like the others and has a "ahhhhh" feeling before I saw it on. It looked pretty in the mirror and was a great price so I said "hey-what the heck, I'll buy it..." and I did. So it might be a myth or it just might be an "ah-ha!" moment for some brides, but not for me.

Simple ways to save on your wedding budget

Well, I made all of my flowers and even my bouquet. I used coffee filters and hand painted them, they really looked like real flowers and everyone was impressed. My main goal was to be easier on the environment and have something that would last a long time, the end result was fantastic. Tissue paper poms you make yourself can be very inexpensive and add a lot of color.

Food was one of the bigger expenses. We didn't skimp there, but I've seen a lot of brides making their own munchies (veggie trays, bread+dip, cookies etc) for when pictures are being taken.

Another area to cut costs would be to find a wedding dress that is previously worn. I found mine used from a Hong Kong boutique, and it was in perfect condition. Jewelry can be borrowed and I found my shoes in an antique store.

The cake can be expensive, but most people now are having a smaller cake for cutting and pictures, and are then having a sheet cake in the back. I found cheap bubbles from Greenhills and dressed them up with tulle.

You can make your own favors, edible ones you make yourself (like truffles, caramel/chocolate covered pretzel sticks) can be affordable. The venue is going to be the biggest expense. Set a budget for yourself and then make it work, then ask yourself what you really *need*.