
11 days - last minute changes

My fiance is really taking charge in these last few days. After attending a very small wedding in Cavite a few weeks ago where the groom seemed to be acting as the "day off coordinator" my fiance wants to follow in his footsteps by doing the same for us (thereby alleviating any worries on my part).

Due to our tiny venue and smaller budget, we had originally requested no children as guests. However, now that we're getting closer to the date, and because our event is pretty informal (no sit-down dinner, per se, but more of a picnic theme) we're now inviting five children under the age of 3 to attend with the understanding that they won't have an assigned seat and will be sharing with their parents.

I'm grateful that we're both able to be so flexible! The addition of the kids is going to make the day that much more fun for everyone. The new indoor/outdoor table layout my fiance is working on will also greatly encourage guests to wander the grounds rather than remaining in their seats like at some weddings.

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