
What opened your eyes to photography?

Many of us fuddle about with different cameras, software, landscapes, portraits, etc. aimlessly trying to figure out how to take good photographs. Meanwhile we churn out nothing more than average output. But then something happens and we hit a new plateau, resulting in consistently better shots. And it may happen again and you're on to a new level, and so forth.

Can you think of what event(s)occurred in your photographic life the brought you to a new level of talent? Did you learn to work a feature on your camera that made all the difference? Was it a change in your behavior that brought you to new understanding? Do tell...

For me... it was more of an internal thing, rather than an outside source acting as an eye opener.

A few years ago, I had a bit of an epiphany and decided to change how my life was going. One of the choices I made was to make a conscious effort to improve my photography. Instead of talking about it - you know, like how people talk about how they could write a book if they only *insert excuse*, but never do - I chose to actually do it.

So I actually read my camera's manual, took classes, read photography books; I bought additional equipment (extra lights, stands, backdrops, etc) and practiced/experimented using the equipment on a daily basis; and put a lot of thought in my photographs - no random-fire-and-hope-for-a-keeper.

I wouldn't say I'm a pro, by any means, but I think I produce some nicer-than-average stuff now. The key, for me, was consistent and regular practice.

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