
I'm looking for suggestions

I got encouraged to get a business license then mocked for the business that I never wanted in the first place not being successful. I was much happier as an amateur selling the occasional thing. Indeed, my books have not sold tremendously well BUT THEY ARE SELLING. My books have been the most financially successful of all my photographic endeavors.

So, I'm in the Chamber of Commerce now. Nobody is in the slightest interested in photography and nobody even wants to see my portfolio. I'm not surprised. I was very much of the impression when I was in the area I came from that photography was just a hobby and never a trade. I got sold on it as a big money-spinner by the individual mentioned and of course, I was right on the money with my original thoughts which that individual managed to pervert. I'm using the Chamber more for contacts than anything else these days.

Currently yes I'm working in sales and I'm damned good at it but I want to get out into something more lucrative which is why I'm taking an online course right now. So getting back to the main point. I'm trying to get the Hell away from the bad memories of the past. I want to get into a totally new system. I used to use Nikon manual focus and loved it. I don't really, honestly, see that I need something as big and heavy though. I don't want a zoom compact - that's way too restrictive.

I was very interested in the Olympus 420 and 520 but Olympus seem to be doing what they did before and seem to be dumping their system in favor of a new system. I must admit I like the Micro Four Thirds cameras - particularly the Sony and the Panasonic. I am scared of those being another APS debacle - remember APS SLRs of the 1990s - they came out as did disk film then vanished fast.

I like the size of the smaller micro-four thirds stuff. I'm concerned about image quality and about the systems just dropping out of favor. I find full size cameras somewhat bulky and heavy.

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